Gys NBT-200DHC Batterietester 12V bis 150 Ah
für Gel- und Bleibatterien 12 V 20-150 Ah
zuverlässige und genaue Ergebnisse
keine Störung durch Kontaktprobleme/Messverluste
Test ohne Ausbau der Batterie mo¨glich
auch bei tief entladenen Batterien einsetzbar (ab 7 V)
sofortige Analyse: Ergebnis wird nach 1 s angezeigt
Säureresistentes, stoßsicheres Gehäuse
Anlassertest: Testet die Startspannung
Lichtmaschinentest: Testet Leerlaufspannung und Ladespannung
Technische Daten:
Umgebungstemperatur: 0-50°C
Toleranz: CCA < +/- 5% / Spannung +/- 0,05%
Kabellänge: 0,75 m
Abmessungen 7x1,5x12 cm
Gewicht: 250 g
SAE: 200-1200 A
DIN: 110-670 A
IEC: 130-790 A
EN: 180-1254 A
CA: 240-1440 A
ablesbare Parameter:
Ladestatus (1,5> 30V)
Strom in A
Batterietest (Lade- & Batteriezustand)
Lichtmaschinentest (Leerlaufspannung & Ladespannung)
Anlassertest (Startspannung)
für wartungsfreie VRLA/GEL/AGM Batterien
für offene SLI Batterien
Test bei ein- und ausgebauten Batterien
dynamischer Widerstand
Kaltstromwert CCA
Säureresistentes ABS-Gehäuse
Energieversorung über die zu testende Batterie
Technische Daten:
Batteriespannung: 4,5-16 V
Batteriespannung: 12 V
SAE Norm: 40-1200 A
DIN Norm: 20-670 A
IEC Norm: 25-790 A
EN Norm: 35-1125 A
CA (MCA) Norm: 70-1440 A
sofortige Analyse: Ergebnis wird nach 1 sec angezeigt
Maße: 12x8x23 cm
Gewicht:0,218 kg
Umgebungstemperatur: 0-50°C
GYS DBT 400 Professional Batterytester
Battery 6 and 12 V : test the voltage and the state of charge.
Starter 12 and 24 V : test the start voltage.
Alternator 12 and 24 V : tests no load voltage and charging voltage as well as current undulation during the charge.
Special feature to test the internal resistance of the battery.
Instant analysis:
Battery voltage (1.5 V to 30 V)
Available starting power
Charge state and battery health (%)
Battery types:
Compatible with multiple types of lead-acid battery ranging from 7 to 230 Ah :
VRLA / GEL / AGM FLAT / AGM SPIRAL sealed batteries
START / STOP batteries (EFB/AGM
Operating range:
EN : 40 > 2100 CCA
DIN : 25 > 1300 CCA
SAE : 40 > 2000 CCA
JIS : Japanese battery
IEC : 30 > 1500 CCA (international standard)
CA/MCA : 50 > 2500 CCA (marine battery)
Highly accurate:
Automatic compensation for external temperature.
Advanced dynamic resistance measurement technology minimises battery discharge and displays an accurate result which is unaffected by :
the surface charge
parasitic load (lights, various indicators, etc)
contact imperfections (worn out terminals/ lugs, unfastened lugs, etc
LCD backlit display
Multi-lingual interface
Removable clamps
Protection against polarity reversal
BS case (acid resistant) and protection against shock.
Power supply: 6 x 1.5V internal batteries supplied (type LR6 – AA)
KS-Tools 550.1645 12V Battery-, charging- and starting system analyzer Features:12V Battery-, charging- and starting system analyzerSuitable for 12 volt batteries (lead acid, gel, wet cell, MF, VRLA, calcium, AGM and deep cycle batteries)Automatic control of the entire test procedure through menu navigationFor the quick and simple determination of battery efficiency while taking the temperature compensation into accountChecks the battery condition, charge status, internal resistance, cold start current valueWith verification function for the starter battery, starter and load circuit measurementThe measurement results are shown via an accurate 5-digit LCD displayIn addition, the measurement results are displayed via coloured symbols: OK, charge and poorThe connection to the battery takes place via two plastic-coated crocodile pole clampsAvoidance of an overload of the battery through too long of a measurement timeIlluminated and very easy to read LCD display0,45 metre long cable allows for flexible workResistant rubber cup casing Technical features:KS-Tools item number: 550.1645EAN: 4042146579695Weight: 1000 gKeywords:
KS-Tools 550.1646 12V Battery-, charging- and starting system analyzer with integrated printer Features:12V Battery-, charging- and starting system analyzer with integrated printerSuitable for 12 volt batteries (lead acid, gel, wet cell, MF, VRLA, calcium, AGM and deep cycle batteries)Menu-driven, intuitive operationWith integrated thermal printerAutomatic control of the entire test procedure through menu navigationFor the quick and simple determination of battery efficiency while taking the temperature compensation into accountChecks the battery condition, charge status, internal resistance, cold start current valueBattery selection takes place quickly and precisely via printing protocolWith verification function for the starter battery, starter and load circuit measurementPrinting protocol supports the argumentation for workshop customersThe connection to the battery takes place via two plastic-coated crocodile pole clampsAvoidance of an overload of the battery through too long of a measurement timeIlluminated and very easy to read digital display0,43 metre long cable allows for flexible workIncludes thermal paper rollResistant rubber cup casing Technical features:KS-Tools item number: 550.1646EAN: 4042146579640Weight: 1500 gKeywords:
KS-Tools 550.1685 12V Digital battery tester Features:12V Digital battery testerSuitable for 12 volt batteries (lead acid, gel, wet cell, MF, VRLA, calcium, AGM and deep cycle batteries)For the quick and simple determination of battery efficiencyAutomatic control of the entire testing process after one-time actuation of the start buttonThe connection to the battery takes place via two plastic-coated crocodile pole clampsWith verification function for the starter battery, starter and load circuit measurementVerification possible, even with prevailing loadThe measurement results are shown via an accurate 3-digit LCD displayThe result can be read via the digital LCD display after 10 secondsSuitable for starter batteries from 30 Ah (12 V)Support for crocodile pole terminals on the deviceSturdy steel plate housing Technical features:KS-Tools item number: 550.1685EAN: 4042146256701Weight: 500 gKeywords: Vehicle tools, Vehicle workshop, Battery, Vehicle, Vehicle tools