Terms and Conditions

Terms of conditions of toolaro.de - TBS GmbH Werkstatteinrichtung

Contents of our Terms and Conditions:
1. Application of the General Terms and Conditions
2. Orders
3. Conclusion of Contract
4. Delivery
5. Withdrawal from the contract
6. Return
7. Prices
8. Payment conditions
9. Retention of title
10. Warranty
12. Information for consumers
13. Any other business
14. Disposal / Environment
15. Supplier information
16. Cancellation policy and sample-revocation form for consumers


1. Application of the General Terms and Conditions
All orders placed at toolaro.de are subject to the present Terms and Conditions, unless the parties have made no deviating agreements.


2. Orders:
2.1. Orders can be placed as follows:
  • per phone: (+49) 0241.559713
  • per letter to: toolaro - TBS GmbH, Schönebergstr. 14, D-52068 Aachen
  • via onlineshop: www.toolaro.de
  • per mail : info@toolaro.de
2.2. We ship stock items within one business day from receipt of order or receipt of payment.
  • When ordering and payment before 14 o’clock usually on the same working day.
  • or availability and possible exceptions, please refer to the relevant product page.
  • If there will be a delay we will inform you immediately.
  • In case of non availability of the ordered goods we reserve the right not to deliver. In this case, we will inform you immediately and refund your already paid amounts without delay.


3. Conclusion of contract:
The presentation of our products on our website contains only an invitation to the customer to submit a contract offer. By sending an order, the customer makes an offer within the meaning of § 145 BGB. The customer receives a confirmation of receipt of the order via email.
The contract with us is accomplished when we accept the offer of the customer within 2 working days after his order in writing or in text form. Decisive is the moment the the declaration of acceptance is sent. Working day is any calendar day
toolaro.de reserves the right to refuse orders to set credit limits or to demand advance payments, particularly in the case of unpaid invoices, credit risks or inability to pay.
Your orders are saved with us for ten years after signing the contract. You should still print the order data immediately after sending. If you lose your documents to your orders, however, please contact us by email / phone / fax. We will send you a copy of your order details.
The conclusion of the contract is in German.


4. Delivery:
Unless otherwise agreed, the order will be delivered to the delivery address given by the customer. With payment through PayPal the shipping address is the one that is deposited with PayPal.
Delivery time: By advance payment, the delivery period begins on the day after the payment order, for other payments on the day after the conclusion.
You can see the delivery time at the respective item-page.
Shipping costs are paid by the customer. These are displayed in the cart. An overview can be found at this link: Shipping & Delivery. The shipment through other Shipping Companies than those indicated by toolaro.de is not possible.
Delivery will be made to each individual case reported costs. If the customer is an end-user, we carry the transit risk in any case regardless of the shipment. If the customer is an entrepreneur, all risks and dangers of the shipment are transferred to the customer once the goods have been handed over by us to the logistics contractor.


5. Withdrawal from the contract:
If the order cannot be delivered to the customer twice because the goods cannot be passed to him or are not collected by him after being notified, we cancel the order and withdraw from the contract. Amounts already paid will be refunded.


6. Return:
In case of returning parcel shipment able items, the customer must pack the goods in a way they are protected from any typical transport dangers. If possible, the original packaging should be used when returning. Not parcel shipment able goods will be collected by us.


7. Prices:


8. Payment conditions:
  • by cash in advance: With prepayment your order will be canceled after 4 weeks if your payment is not received by then.
  • PayPal: The debit is done by sending the order.


9. Retention:
The goods remain our property until they are fully paid.


10. Warranty:
For consumers, (if your order is neither commercial nor can it be assigned to your independent professional activity), the statutory limitation period for defects is 2 years and begins with the date of delivery / the receipt of the goods by the consumer. Any beyond warranty promises made by the manufacturer remain unaffected.


11. Information for consumers in distance contracts and customer information for contracts in electronic commerce:
Consumer means any natural person who enters into a transaction for purposes which can be attributed mainly neither commercial nor its independent vocational activity.
a) Any input error made while placing the order can be recognized and corrected by you at the final confirmation of your contract by using the delete and change function before sending the order.
b) For the main characteristics of the goods offered by us as well as the validity of limited offers, please refer to the individual product description as part of our Internet offering.
c) The contract language is German.
d) You may raise complaints and warranty claims at the address stated in the provider identification.
e) Your orders are stored with us for ten years after signing the contract. Nevertheless you should print the order data immediately after sending. If you lose the documents to your orders, however, please contact us by email / phone / fax. We will send you a copy of your order details.
f) For payment, delivery or performance information, please refer to the offer.


12. Informationen für Verbraucher bei Fernabsatzverträgen sowie Kundeninformationen bei Verträgen im elektronischen Geschäftsverkehr:
Verbraucher ist jede natürliche Person, die ein Rechtsgeschäft zu Zwecken abschließt, die überwiegend weder ihrer gewerblichen noch ihrer selbständigen beruflichen Tätigkeit zugerechnet werden können.
a) Unser Shop www.toolaro.de trägt das Gütesiegel EHI Geprüfter Online-Shop. Um dieses Siegel zu erhalten werden wir regelmäßig von der EHI Retail-Institute GmbH auf die Einhaltung der Kriterien des EHI-Verhaltenscodex über prüft. Sie können den Verhaltenskodex unter diesem Link Einsehen: www.shopinfo.net/haendler/kriterien/index.html
Sie können das Beschwerdeverfahren von EHI Geprüfter Online-Shop nutzen, indem Sie auf das Gütesiegel in unserem Shop clicken. Es erscheint das Prüfzertifikat mit dem Beschwerdebutton.
b) Etwaige Eingabefehler bei Abgabe Ihrer Bestellung können Sie bei der abschließenden Bestätigung vor dem Absenden Ihrer Vertragserklärung erkennen und mit Hilfe der Lösch- und Änderungsfunktion vor Absendung der Bestellung jederzeit korrigieren.
c) Die wesentlichen Eigenschaften der von uns angebotenen Waren sowie die Gültigkeitsdauer befristeter Angebote entnehmen Sie bitte den einzelnen Produktbeschreibungen im Rahmen unseres Internetangebots.
d) Die für den Vertragsschluss zur Verfügung stehende Sprache ist Deutsch.
e) Beanstandungen und Mängelhaftungsansprüche können Sie unter der in der Anbieterkennzeichnung angegebenen Adresse vorbringen.
f) Ihre Bestellungen werden bei uns nach Vertragsabschluss zehn Jahre lang gespeichert. Sie sollten die Bestelldaten dennoch unmittelbar nach dem Abschicken ausdrucken. Sollten Sie Ihre Unterlagen zu Ihren Bestellungen jedoch verlieren, wenden Sie sich bitte per Email/Telefon/Fax an un. Wir senden Ihnen eine Kopie der Daten Ihrer Bestellung gerne zu.
g) Informationen zur Zahlung, Lieferung oder Erfüllung entnehmen Sie bitte dem Angebot.


13. Any other business:
The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies to the contractual relationship between us and the customer and the respective terms and conditions. If the customer is a consumer, the legal regulations and rights for consumer protection of the State in which the consumer has his habitual residence and which cannot be derogated from by agreement, remain applicable and are not affected by this agreement. The application of CISG is excluded.


14. Disposal / Environment:
  • Battery Act:
    Batteries and accumulators must not be disposed of with household waste.
    You can return batteries
    • to a public collection
    • where batteries and accumulators are sold
    • by post to our shipping warehouse

    This rule applies even if batteries are not sold separately, but are built into devices. All batteries are marked with the symbol of the crossed out wheelie bin. chemical symbols:
    • CD: contains more than 0.002 per cent of cadmium
    • Hg: contains more than 0.0005 percent mercury
    • Pb: contains more than 0.004 percent lead
  • Our upstream supplier has fulfilled his obligation to register with the Federal Environmental Agency
  • Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act:
    • Electrical and electronic devices may not be disposed of with household waste.
    • Consumers can return their electrical equipment free of charge at one of the communal collection points.


15. Provider information:
TBS GmbH Werkstatteinrichtung
Schönebergstr. 14
52068 Aachen
CEO: Rainer Kleine-Tebbe
Court of Registration: Aachen HRB 3648
VAT ID No..: DE123595925
Phone: (+49) 0241.559713
Fax: (+49) 0241.5597159
Mail: info@toolaro.de

Business hours: Montag - Freitag 9:00 - 17:00 Uhr


16. Cancellation policy and sample-revocation form for consumers:
Cancellation policy
Right of withdrawal

Consumers have a right of withdrawal. A consumer is any natural person who enters into a transaction for purposes which mainly cannot be attributed neither to its commercial nor its independent professional activity. You have the right to withdraw within one month without giving reasons this Agreement. The cancellation period is one month from the day, you or a third party indicated by you, other than the carrier or have taken final possession goods.
To exercise your right, you have to inform us,

toolaro.de - TBS GmbH Werkstatteinrichtung
Schönebergstraße 14
D-52068 Aachen
Email: info@toolaro.de
Phone: 0241-559713
Fax: 0241-5597159

by means of a clear statement (eg. as a consigned by post mail, fax or email) about your decision to withdraw from this contract. You can sure use the attached sample-revocation form , which is not required to be used. To safeguard the withdrawal period it is sufficient that you send your statement concerning the exercise of the withdrawal before the withdrawal period expires.

Effects of withdrawal
If you withdraw from this contract, we will reimburse all payments we received from you, including the costs of supply (with the exception of the additional costs arising from the fact that you have chosen a different method of delivery than the cheapest Ground Shipping offered by us), immediately and within fourteen days from the date on which we received the notification of the cancellation. For this repayment we use the same method of payment that you used in the original transaction, unless we expressly agreed otherwise; in no case you will be charged fees for this repayment. We may withhold reimbursement until we have received the returned goods back, or until you have demonstrated that you have returned the goods, whichever is earlier. You have to return the goods immediately and in any event not later than fourteen days from the date on which you send the cancellation of this contract or to hand over to us. The deadline is met if you send the goods before the deadline of a fortnight. You bear the direct cost of returning the goods. You have to pay for any diminished value of the goods, when this value loss is due to a not necessary handling by you to ascertain the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.
The right does not apply to distance contracts for the delivery of goods which are not prefabricated and for their production an individual choice or decision by the consumer was made or which are clearly tailored to the personal needs of the consumer.

End of cancellation policy
For returns we will charge the following shipping costs:
  • Germany (max. 31,5 kg/package): EUR 6,95,-
  • Austria (max. 31,5 kg/package): EUR 16,95,-
  • Belgium (max. 30 kg/package): EUR 16,95,-
  • France (max. 30 kg/package): EUR 21,95,-
  • UK (max. 30 kg/package): EUR 21,95,-
  • Luxembourg (max. 31,5 kg/package): EUR 16,95,-
  • Netherlands (max. 30 kg/package): EUR 16,95,-
  • Spain (max. 20 kg/package): EUR 33,95,-
  • Estonia (max. 31,5 kg/package): EUR 21,95,-
  • Finland (max. 31,5 kg/package): EUR 34,95,-
  • Irleand (max. 20 kg/package): EUR 26,95,-
  • Romania (max. 20 kg/package): EUR 17,95,-
  • Slovakia (max. 30 kg/package): EUR 16,95,-
  • Slovenia (max. 30 kg/package): EUR 19,95,-
  • Czech Republic (max. 30 kg/package): EUR 16,95,-
  • Ungary (max. 20 kg/package): EUR 16,95,-
  • Cyprus (max. 31,5 kg/package): EUR 17,95,-
  • Greece (max. 30 kg/package): EUR 38,95,-
  • Italiy (max. 30 kg/package): EUR 21,95,-
  • Poland (max. 30 kg/package): EUR 16,95,-
  • Sweden (max. 20 kg/package): EUR 32,95,-

Sample-revocation form

(If you want to withdraw from this contract please complete and return this form.)
- To:

toolaro.de - TBS GmbH Werkstatteinrichtung
Schönebergstraße 14
D-52068 Aachen
Email: info@toolaro.de

- I/we hereby gibt notice that I/we withdraw from the contract of purchase made by me/us on (please enter date here) of the following goods(*) / provision of the following service (*)

-Ordered on (*) / received on (*)

-Name of the customer/s (*)

-Adress of the customer/s (*)

- Signature of the customer (only necessary if you withdraw on paper)

- Date

(*) Delete as applicable.